Ushering in a new technology of 3D data that promises a new way to deliver data — No lag, no loss, just pure joy
The job to take a company from just the emerging idea stuck in the creators heads to something visual, tangible, and ready for the world is rare — that is exactly what we set out to do.
We began learning what the company needed for it’s big launch. The brand often felt outdated and too complex for many to grasp — So we began establishing a single strategic idea to guide us with some visual inpsiration to develop our design language.
The lightning bolt is universally recognizable. No matter what side of the world you are on it communicates the core product offering. Although there may be many lightning bolt marks out there none are quite like this one 😉
The website is the home asset of the brand and also one of the first points of contact for consumers. We took the complex technology and simplified it to it’s core messaging so anyone could understand its benefits.
View WebsiteYou’ve got a vision, let us make it a reality